
Documents required for Employment Pass (EP)? What are the documents required for EP?


You need to submit documents such as copies of passport details and educational certificates along with the Employment Pass application.

You will need these documents to apply for an Employment Pass:

  • Personal particulars page of the candidateโ€™s passport.
  • Companyโ€™s latest business profile or instant information registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  • Candidateโ€™s educational certificates, e.g. degree certificate. You will need additional documents for:
Qualifications from Additional documents needed
  • Transcripts
  • Marksheets

Verification proof for diploma and above qualifications.

  • You can get the verification proof directly in English from sources such asย Dataflow,ย China Higher Education Student Information and Career Centerorย China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Information.
  • Education certificates certified by a notary public are not accepted as a form of verification proof.

MOM may ask for other documents during review of your application.

Click here to learn more detailed information.
