Documents For Registering A Society In Singapore
What information or documents required to prepare before applying for registration?
a) Information on the society
- Name of the society (and 2 more alternative names for Normal Registration process)
- Place of Business (defined as the place where the books and records of the society will be kept)
- Constitution of Society in English
- Email, telephone and/or Fax Nos
- Letters of affiliation, where necessary, in English
- Constitution of affiliated body, where necessary, in English
- Letters of approval or support from relevant government agencies, schools, organisations, personalities, etc, where necessary, in English
b) Information on the Members
- Full Name of Proposed Member, NRIC No. / FIN / Passport No., Date of Birth, Country of Birth
- Title of Office-bearer (e.g. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ordinary Member, etc), Equivalent Post
- Residential Address
- Nationality, Resident Status in Singapore
- Gender, Marital Status, Race, Religion
- Contact Information (e.g. email address, residential telephone no., mobile no.)
- Highest Educational Level, Present Employment Status, Name of Employer/Company, Position/Job Title, Address of Company, Office No.
- Present Membership in Other Registered Societies, if any (Name of Society, Position in Society)
c) Other information
- CorpPasses of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the society.
- Email addresses of the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the society.
- Name, address, email and telephone no. of a Contact Person for the application.
d) Additional Questions if you are applying under normal registrations:
- What are the other two alternative names – in order of preference – that your society would like to be called? What is the meaning and significance of the alternative names? Where applicable, please also provide the Chinese characters of the alternative names.
- What are the sources of funds for the society, apart from those mentioned in the constitution?
- Was the society previously in existence? If so, where was it and why was it not registered then? Was it registered under any written law?
- What is the expected size of membership?
- Will any foreigners be employed? If so, who are they (name, date of birth and passport number)? How long will they be working here?
- Does the proposed society represent the interests of any ethnic group? Is the membership restricted to any particular ethnic community? If so, please state the ethnic group.
e) Additional Questions if your are a religious society
A “religious society” refers to any society conducting worshipping activities or studying any religious text pertaining to any deity or deities.
Catholic or Christian Societies
- What is the Christian denomination of the proposed society?
- Will the society publish any literature in Singapore for dissemination outside Singapore and vice-versa? In what languages will the literature be published?
- Please state the church each protem member is currently attending.
- Please provide ROS with the religious leader’s curriculum vitae including his name, NRIC No./Foreign Identification No. (FIN)/Passport No., nationality and religious background.
- Is the proposed society under or intending to come under any umbrella Christian organisation, locally or overseas? If so, please state the name of the organisation.
Buddhist or Taoist Societies
- What are the deities that will be worshipped/revered/paid homage to? What do they symbolise? (Names in Chinese characters must also be provided, where applicable.)
- What are the religious beliefs of the society (i.e whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, a combination of them, etc.)?
- Will the proposed society be conducting any classes? If yes, please state the texts to be used.
- Please provide ROS with the religious leader’s curriculum vitae including his name, NRIC No./Foreign Identification No. (FIN)/Passport No., nationality and religious background.
Hindu Societies
- What are the deities that will be worshipped/revered/paid homage to? What do they symbolise?
- What are the religious beliefs of the society?
- Will the proposed society be conducting any classes? If yes, please state the texts to be used.
- Please provide ROS with the religious leader’s curriculum vitae including his name, NRIC No./Foreign Identification No. (FIN)/Passport No., nationality and religious background.
Other Religious Societies
- What are the deities that will be worshipped/revered/paid homage to? What do they symbolise? (Names in Chinese characters must also be provided, where applicable)
- What are the religious beliefs of the society?
- Will the proposed society be conducting any classes? If yes, please state the texts to be used.
- Please provide ROS with the religious leader’s curriculum vitae including his name, NRIC No./Foreign Identification No. (FIN)/Passport No., nationality and religious background.
The source of information is from the Registry Of Societies (ROS). You may wish to visit ROS for more updated guidelines, rules, regulations, etc.
PleaseΒ CONTACTΒ us if you wish to know more about this service or many other related services.