What is Grant from the Government?
A grant is in the form of money that is given to a person, business or corporation from the Government. Grants do not require repayment of any kind. It is most definitely an attractive financial consideration for business entities. The grants are generally paid for start-up, growth or expansion. There are many types of Grants available for SMEs from the Government in Singapore.
Singapore Government is urging firms to make full use of the schemes to retool with the available grants. This will help businesses forge a new path forward and thrive in the long run.
What is Business Grants Portal (BGP)?
The Business Grants Portal (BGP) is a one-stop portal for businesses to apply for grants according to their needs without having to approach multiple agencies. BGP aims to bring government grants for businesses into one place, so it is easier for businesses to apply for grants according to their needs and sector. It would also allow businesses to better manage and track their grant applications.
Currently on BGP, you can apply for:
- Market Readiness Assistance
- Enterprise Development Grant
- Business Improvement Fund
- Aviation Development Fund
- Productivity Solutions Grant
Grants, Business Supports & Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS) in Singapore in light of Covid-19 (Corona Virus-December 2019)
Business Support Packages in light of Covid-19 & EPS in Singapore
The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has caused disruptions for many businesses in Singapore. To help Built Environment firms and their employees tide over this period, the Government has introduced various support measures to aid in (i) manpower levies (ii) business development (iii) jobs and skills (iv) construction and supply contracts and (v) cash flow and business sustainability. All these measures will help businesses preserve capacity and capability, and protect jobs.
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Various Funding for SME (Small Medium Business Entities in Singapore)
Definition of SME: Small Medium Enterprises (SME) in Singapore are defined as companies with at least 30% local shareholding, group annual sales turnover of less than SGD100 million or group employment size of not more than 200 workers.
Singapore Government is providing many types of grants or funding for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Please refer to the below summary of grants available for Small Medium Enterprises (SME) in Singapore and relevant Government Agencies for more details to avail those eligible grants / funding.
Get Grants on capability upgrading initiatives such as process improvement and product development.
Name of Grant
2-Stage Innovation Grant (iGrant)
- Building and construction companies can receive up to 70% support to conduct fast track, Proof-of-Concept (POC) type of R&D projects for subsequent quick deployment in a fast moving Built Environment.
Accessibility Fund
- Building owners can receive up to 80% support for upgrading their existing buildings with essential accessibility features.
Agriculture Productivity Fund (APF)
- The APF supports local farmers in their efforts to expand production capability, boost yield and raise productivity. The APF is available for food farms with valid SFA farm licence.
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Grant
- The AIDA grant supports projects that demonstrate adoption of AI & DA techniques that achieve business objectives of strategy & decision making with workforce impact, as well as applied research projects in AI and DA for Singaporeβs financial sector.
Asian Financial Leaders Scheme (AFLS)
- The AFLS initiative helps FIs defray part of the costs incurred in sending promising C-1/C-2 Singaporean finance professionals on eligible leadership programmes.
Aviation Development Fund (ADF)
- The Aviation Development Fund (ADF) supports the development and growth of the aviation industry in Singapore, with focus on raising airport productivity, building capabilities, and developing manpower.
Business Events in Singapore (BEiS)
- The BEiS scheme seeks to encourage the business events industry to anchor and grow quality events as well as catalyse the innovation of new content.
Business Improvement Fund (BIF)
- The BIF aims to encourage technology innovation and adoption, redesign of business model and processes in the tourism sector to improve productivity and competitiveness.
Capability Transfer Programme
- Get funding support for developing and acquiring new capabilities from foreign specialists.
Career Support Programme (CSP)
- Defrays cost of hiring by providing employers with up to $42,000 of salary support when they hire eligible unemployed Singapore Citizens in Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMET) jobs.
Career Trial
- Allows companies to assess jobseekersβ job fit through a short-term trial, before formal employment. Government will provide training allowance to the jobseekers for the trial period (up to 3 months).
- Build ICT technical skills for your employees in areas such as cyber security, data analytics, network and infrastructure and software development. Funding support of up to 90%.
Co-Creation Grant
- With up to $30,000 funding support, this grant supports software developers to develop innovative solutions that integrates tax seamlessly into digital solutions used by taxpayers and/or harnesses IRASβ APIs.
Company-Led Training (CLT) Programme
- CLT accelerates professional development through on-the-job training programme for fresh to mid-level professionals acquiring competencies for jobs in demand by industry, especially the Digital Economy sector.
Cruise Development Fund (CDF)
- The CDF supports cruise industry players such as cruise lines, travel agents, charterers and trainers in activities that will build strong consumer demand for cruises from Singapore.
Design Thinking Business Transformation Programme
- The programme aims to support companies in their business transformation and innovation capabilities. Companies will be trained in the design thinking process with mentoring sessions over the six-month programme.
Digital Acceleration Grant (DAG) – Industry Pilot
- DAG scheme supports joint projects by multiple Singapore-based FIs to customise an existing solution with a solution provider, to improve productivity, strengthen operational resilience, manage risks better, and serve customers better.
Digital Acceleration Grant (DAG) – Institution Project
- DAG scheme supports Singapore-based FIs and Fintech firms adopt digital solutions to improve productivity, strengthen operational resilience, manage risks better, and serve customers better.
Digital Project Management Services
- SMEs can tap on a ready pool of skilled digital project manager at a subsidised rate, to help with implementing digital solutions correctly and timely.
Digital Resilience Bonus
- The Digital Resilience Bonus aims to uplift the digital capabilities of a broad-base of enterprises. Eligible Food Services and Retail enterprises can receive up to $10,000 one-time cash payouts when they adopt pre-defined categories of solutions.
E-Commerce Booster Package for Retailers
- To help retail businesses diversify and find ways to reach customers, the E-Commerce Booster package supports retailers bring their business online. Funding support of up to 90% for 3 months.
E-invoicing Registration Grant
- This grant provides businesses with a one-time grant of $200 per UEN, upon registration on the Nationwide E-Invoicing Network on or before 31 December 2020.
Employment Support for Ex-Offenders
- This programme supports companies to tap on ex-offenders as an alternative pool of trained and skilled workers.
Employment Support for Persons with Disabilities (PwD)
- Hire, train and integrate Persons with Disabilities into the workforce. Receive course fee subsidies of up to 90% for SG Enableβs list of curated training courses.
Energy Efficiency Fund (E2F)
- E2F supports companies in the industry sector in becoming more energy efficient. NEA provides funding support of up to 50% of qualifying costs.
Enhanced Hiring Incentives
- Employers that hire local workers who had gone through eligible reskilling or training programme can receive salary support of up to 40% for 6 months, capped at $12,000 in total.
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)
- The ETSS offers higher course fee grant of up to 90% of the course fees and absentee payroll funding of 80% of basic hourly salary at a higher cap of $7.50 per hour for SMEs signing up for SSG-supported courses.
Enhanced Training Support Package (ETSP)
- The ETSP is a time-limited scheme to cover up to 90% course fee funding (for selected sectors) and up to $10/hr absentee payroll funding for all SSG-supported certifiable courses completed before 31 December 2020.
Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
- The EDG helps Singapore companies grow and transform. This grant supports projects that help you upgrade your business, innovate or venture overseas. Receive up to 70% support for eligible costs. (up to 80% from 1 April – 31 Dec 2020)
Enterprise Leadership for Transformation
- The ELT is a one-year programme that supports business leaders of promising SMEs to develop business growth capabilities. Successful applications will qualify for up to 90% co-funding of programme fees.
Experience Step-Up Fund (ESF)
- The ESF supports development and enhancement of tourism experiences that increase the attractiveness of Singapore to visitors, improving overall visitor experience and satisfaction in Singapore.
Finance Associate Management Scheme (FAMS)
- The FAMS helps FIs defray part of the costs incurred in the hiring of Singapore citizen staff who would be trained under their structured management/functional programmes.
Financial Sector Technology and Innovation (FSTI) Scheme – FI project track
- The FSTI scheme supports Singapore-based FIs to catalyse innovative ideas and market solutions to advance the competitiveness of the financial institution and the sector.
Financial Sector Technology and Innovation (FSTI) Scheme – Industry-wide Technological Infrastructure or Utility
- The Industry-wide Projects track seeks to build industry-wide technological/utility infrastructure and/or improve efficiency and boost productivity in the financial services sector.
Financial Specialist Scholarship (FSS)
- The FSS will co-fund with FIs to send their promising Singaporean professionals for postgraduate study in: Specialised Finance, Finance, applied finance or financial economics, Risk Management, Actuarial Science, Technology and Data Science.
Financial Training Scheme (FTS)
- The FTS provides funding for financial sector-specific training programmes which are recognized under FTS, with a grant cap of $2,000 per participant per programme.
Food Delivery Booster Package
- The Food Delivery Booster Package supports F&B businesses to make the transition from offline to online sales through food delivery.
- Supports local ICT SMEs to transform traditional software architecture and development practices to Cloud-Native applications, so that they can be more agile, flexible and scalable.
- GoSecure is designed to increase the cybersecurity capabilities of our local ICT companies and improve their product security posture.
Grant for Equity Market Singapore (GEMS) – Listing
- GEMS (listing) helps to encourage potential issuers to list on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) by co-funding part of the eligible listing expenses.
Grant for Equity Market Singapore (GEMS) – Research Initiative
- The Research Initiative Grant is earmarked to fund crowd-sourced initiatives that will propel the development of Singaporeβs equity research ecosystem.
Grant for Equity Market Singapore (GEMS) – Research Talent Development
- GEMS (research) encourage FIs based in Sg to hire equity research professionals by co-funding hiring costs of equity research analysts.
Grow Digital
- SMEs that are ready to sell overseas can receive funding support when they participate in pre-approved Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce platforms with global or regional reach.
Healthier Dining GrantΒ
- The Healthier Dining Grant is a funding scheme which empowers Healthier Dining Programme Partners to promote healthier menu options.
Healthier Dining Innovation Grant (HDI)Β
- HDI is a funding scheme of up to $5,000 for F&B operators to take their first step towards capability upgrading in 4 areas: R&D, Purchase of Healthier Ingredients, Culinary Training, and Recipe Reformulation.
Healthier Ingredient Development Scheme (HIDS)Β
- HIDS incentivises food ingredient manufacturers/suppliers to develop greater varieties of healthier ingredients, and to promote their adoption among F&B businesses and consumers. The scheme funds up to 80% qualifying project costs, cap at $500,000.
Healthier Ingredient Promotion Scheme (HIPS)
- HIPS incentivises food ingredient manufacturers/suppliers to promote the adoption of healthier ingredients, among F&B businesses and consumers. The scheme funds up to 80% qualifying project costs, cap at $300,000.
iBuildSG Building Specialist Sponsorship (BSS)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor approximately 80% of the training.
iBuildSG Building Specialist Sponsorship (Crane & Operations)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firm through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor approximately 80% of the course fee.
iBuildSG Diploma Scholarship/Sponsorship (full-time)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor approximately 70% of the award.
iBuildSG Diploma Sponsorship (part-time)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor up to 70% of the award.
iBuildSG ITE Scholarship (full-time)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor approximately 80% of the award.
iBuildSG Postgraduate Sponsorship (for part-time degree)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor up to 70% of the award.
iBuildSG Undergraduate Sponsorship Programme (Part-Time)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor up to 70% of the award.
iBuildSG Undergraduate Scholarship/Sponsorship (full-time)
- Industry firms can co-sponsor suitable candidates with BCA and engage talents to join your firms through the iBuildSG Scholarship and Sponsorship Programmes. BCA could co-sponsor approximately 70% of the award.
Industrial Water Solutions Demonstration Fund (IWSDF)
- The IWSDF provides funding and technical support to local non-domestic large water users to implement projects that treat and reclaim fresh water from industrial used water for process reuse.
Industry 4.0 Human Capital Initiative (IHCI) Enabler Programme
- With up to 90% funding support, the IHCI Enabler is an 8-week programme that focuses on helping companies get started on Industry 4.0 transformation and optimise returns with effective human capital management.
Institute of Banking and Finance Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS)
- The IBF-STS provides funding for programmes accredited under the IBF standards, with a grant cap of $7,000 per participant per programme.
International Postings Programme (iPOST)
- The iPOST initiative helps FIs defray part of the costs incurred in sending Singapore citizen staff on global and regional attachments or postings.
Internationalisation Skills (iSkills) Talent Development Programme
- (iSkills) Talent Development Programme is customised for both junior and senior internationalisers. Participating businesses can expect overseas immersion and a final project.
Kickstart Fund (KF)
- The KF supports the creation and test-bedding of innovative lifestyle concepts and events with strong tourism potential and scalability, adding to existing tourism software and enhancing the vibrancy in Singapore.
Leisure Events Fund (LEF)
- The LEF supports the development of world-class, differentiated, celebrated leisure event experiences in Singapore, to delivery key tourism outcomes and establish Singapore as one of the worldβs most vibrant cities.
Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD) Programme
- TACs keen to drive capability development and internationalisation projects can tap on LEAD programme. LEAD supports up to 70% of eligible costs for qualifying projects.
Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant
- SMEs looking to take their business overseas can receive up to 70% support for eligible costs with the MRA grant from 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2023.
Multichannel E-commerce Platform (MEP) Programme
- This programme connects SMEs to MEP solution providers, which will help to list and sell products on multiple overseas e-marketplaces. Eligible SMEs will receive a one-time support-70% of eligible costs for a year.
New Talent Feature Grant (NTFG)
- The NTFG helps first and second-time directors to launch their careers by providing support of up to $250,000 or 100% for their feature filmβs qualifying costs. Feature files should be 70 minutes or longer.
Operation & Technology Roadmap (OTR)
- Development of technology roadmaps to map out priorities that are aligned to businessesβ strategies and developmental plans. Eligible SMEs may receive up to 70% funding support.
Operations Management Innovation Programme (OMNI)
- OMNI is a joint initiative between SIMTech and SSG to train in-house champions to systematically integrate business, operation management and productivity improvement through the OMNI methodology.
Part-Time Re-employment Grant (PTRG)
- Provides funding support to companies that voluntarily commit to providing part-time re-employment to all eligible seniors who request for it.
- Funding support for SMEs to better recruit, manage and retain newly-hired local PMETs.
P-Max for Older Workers
- Funding support for SMEs to better recruit, manage and retain newly-hired Singapore Citizen PMETs who are aged 50 years & above.
P-Max Lite
- Funding support for SMEs to learn and improve their HR practices within the organisation.
Production Assistance
- Provides funding for productions with original IPs that highlight Singapore talents in credited roles, infuse data or digital technologies into content for distribution on new or digital platforms.
Productivity Innovation Project (PIP)
- Construction related companies can defray the cost of technology adoption aimed to help reduce site workers or improve site productivity.
Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)Β
- The PSG supports businesses in the adoption of productivity solutions. Businesses can choose from a list of pre-scoped solutions and receive up to 80% funding support for eligible costs from 1 April – 31 Dec 2020.
Proof-of-Concept (POC) Grant
- The POC grant supports up to 50% of qualifying costs for projects which aim to develop a novel concept of resolving industry-wide problems, using technology or business processes. Maximum support of up to $200,000.
Quieter Construction Innovation Fund (QCIF)
- The QCIF aims to promote adoption of quieter construction equipment and innovate methods, in order to mitigate construction noise impact to the public so as to achieve a liveable environment for all.
Research & Product Development courses
- This is a catalogue of SSG-supported courses on Research & Product Development.
Research Innovation, Enterprise and Development
- EMA rolls out competitive grant calls which aims to address industry-relevant challenges and opportunities in the energy sector.
Return to WorkΒ
- Return to Work (RTW) is an initiative that pairs injured employees with dedicated RTW coordinators from public hospitals. This voluntary programme enables timely return of injured employees to work safely.
Senior Worker Early Adopter Grant (SWEAG)
- Provides funding support to companies that increase their own retirement and re-employment ages ahead of the legislated changes.
Service Industry Transformation Programme (SITP)
- This programme aims to support lifestyle sector enterprises in their transformation efforts and to uplift organisational capabilities in innovation, job redesign and manpower planning.
SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC)
- The SFEC aims to encourage employers to invest in both enterprise and workforce transformation. Eligible employers will receive $10,000 credit to cover up to 90% out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs.
Southeast Asia Co-Production Grant (SCPG)
- The SCPG encourages film talent in Singapore and SEA region to jointly produce quality feature files by providing support of up to $250,000 or 50% of qualifying costs. Feature files should be 70 minutes or longer.
Special Situation Fund for Startups (SSFS)
- Provide financing support for promising startups based in Singapore, by investing private sector co-investors on a 1:1 basis.
Start DigitalΒ
- SMEs that are new to using digital technology can take up any 2 digital solutions, at no cost for at least 6 months within a minimum 18-month contract period, from supportable categories.
Start up SG EquityΒ
- The government will co-invest with qualified 3rd party investors into eligible Singapore-based technology startups with IP and global market potential.
Startup SG FounderΒ
- Startup SG Founder provides mentorship and startup capital grant of S$30,000 to first-time entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas. Startups are required to commit S$10,000 as co-matching fund to the grant.
Startup SG TechΒ
- Startup SG Tech supports Proof-of-Concept (POC) and Proof-of-Value (POV) for commercialisation of innovative technologies.
Talent AssistanceΒ
- Funding support is provided to eligible companies and individuals to encourage them to acquire deeper skills and competencies through a list of pre-approved media courses.
Technology for Enterprise Capability Upgrading (T-Up)
- Get access to talents from A*STARβs Research Institutes and build in-house R&D capabilities.
Tourism Product Development Fund (TPDF)
- The TPDF supports the creation, development of new tourism products and/or major rejuvenation of existing tourism products to increase Singapore destination attractiveness to visitors.
Training Industry Professionals in Tourism (TIP-iT)
- TIP-iT supports tourism companies in employee upgrading and talent and leadership development.
Water Efficiency Fund (WEF)
- The WEF provides funding to local non-domestic water users to enable them to improve water efficiency in their premises. These projects include water efficiency assessment, pilot study, recycling and adoption of water efficient equipment.
Workforce Training and Upgrading
- BCA co-funds up to 90% of selected training courses and skills assessments for firms in the built environment sector, with the aim of improving the capability of the workforce.
Work-Study Programme (WSP)
- The WSPs are targeted at fresh graduates and mid-career individuals by providing a head-start in careers related to their discipline of study and opportunities to build on skills and knowledge acquired in school.
Please visit the Government Grants portal for more details at:
- https://govassist.gobusiness.gov.sg/gov-assist/grants
Source of Information, Guidelines, Compliance, Laws, Rules & Regulations is from the websites of relevant authorities of Singapore |
Details of Source |
Name of Authorities |
- Corporate matters such as Companies, Businesses, Societies, Grants, SME Loans, etc
- The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), Building Construction Authority (BCA), Enterprise Singapore (ESG), Monetary Authority Of Singapore (MAS), Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) & Registrar Of Societies (ROS), Enterprise Singapore (ESG)
- Fair Employment Practices (FEP)
- Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP)
- Immigration matters & Student Passes
- Immigration Checkpoints Authority (ICA)
- The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
- Skills Development Levy (SDL)
- SkillsFuture Singapore Agency
- The Ministry Of Manpower (MOM)
- Enterprise Singapore – SMEPortal
Please refer to GUIDES for Type of Firms & Entities for more details, information or Β CONTACTΒ us if you wish to know about these or many other services.