
Singapore Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

A family is in the top open car with young childrenSingapore Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

The Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is for a common-law spouse, step-child or handicapped child of an Employment Pass or S Pass holder. Pass holders earning over $12,000 can also get a pass for parents.


Key facts on Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) in Singapore

Get a overview and key facts about the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) for certain family members of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

Who it is for
  • Common-law spouse, step-child or handicapped child of an eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders. Those earning over $12,000 can also bring in their parents.
Who can apply
  • An employer or appointed employment agent must apply on behalf of the candidate.
What is the duration
  • Up to 2 years, tied to the validity of the main work pass.
Is it renewable
  • Yes.
Work in Singapore
  • Yes. Eligible LTVP holders may be able to work here if they find jobs.
Foreign worker levy or quota
  • No foreign worker levy or quota required.
Relevant legislation
  • Conditions of Work Pass
  • Employment of Foreign Manpower Act


Eligibility for Long Term Visit Pass

Eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders can bring certain family members to Singapore on a Long Term Visit Pass.

You can apply for a Long Term Visit Pass for your family if you meet these requirements:

  • Hold an Employment Pass or S Pass.
  • Earn a minimum fixed monthly salary of $6,000.
  • Are sponsored by an established, Singapore-registered company (usually your employer).

From 1 January 2018, work pass holders will need to meet a minimum salary criteria of $6,000to enjoy dependant privileges.

You can get a pass for the following family members:

  • Common-law spouse.
  • Unmarried handicapped children above 21 years old.

  • Unmarried step-children under 21 years old.
  • Parents – only for those earning a fixed monthly salary of at least $12,000.

If you are legally married or have children, you may be eligible for a Dependant’s Pass.


Documents required for Long Term Visit Pass

You need to submit documents such as copies of passport details and birth or marriage certificates along with the Long Term Visit Pass application.

You will need the personal particulars page of the candidate’s passport to apply for a Long Term Visit Pass:

You may need to submit additional documents depending on the family member applying:

Family member

Additional documents

Common-law spouse

Any one of the following:

  • Copy of the common-law marriage certificate.
  • A letter from the embassy acknowledging that the work pass holder (WPH) and spouse are in a common-law relationship under the laws of their country.
  • An affidavit from the WPH declaring that the WPH and spouse are in a common-law relationship under the laws of their country. The affidavit must also be notarised in that same country.
Unmarried handicapped children above 21 years of age
  • A letter or report from a medical practitioner on the child’s condition.
Unmarried stepchildren under 21 years of age
  • A copy of the court order on the child’s custody.
  • A letter from the other biological parent stating there is no objection to bringing the child to Singapore.
  • Verification of Vaccination Requirements (for entry to Singapore) document issued by HPB is needed for new LTVP applications for foreign-born children aged 12 years old and below. Existing DP, LTVP and Student pass holders do not need this document.
  • A copy of the work pass holder’s birth certificate that states the names of the parents.


  • For non-English documents, you must submit all of the following:
    • Original document.
    • English translation of original document. The translation can be done by a translation service provider.
  • MOM may ask for other documents during reviewing of your application.


Diphtheria and Measles Vaccination Requirements for Foreign-Born Children Applying for Long-Term Immigration Passes (LTVP) in Singapore

With effect from 1 February 2019, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Singapore will require documentation of diphtheria and measles vaccination to be submitted by foreign-born children as a prerequisite for the application of long-term immigration passes in Singapore.

Foreign-born children aged 12 years old and below, who are applying for the Dependant’s Pass (DP) or Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), and the Student’s Pass (STP) issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), are required to submit documented proof of vaccination or evidence of immunity for diphtheria and measles to the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for verification. They will have to do so before they proceed with their applications to MOM or ICA for long-term stay in Singapore. Existing pass holders will not be subject to the requirements when renewing their pass or applying for a new pass.

Learn More About

Copy & Paste URL

Vaccination Requirements (VR) at
  • https://www.nir.hpb.gov.sg/fcine/#/
Apply for Vr at
  • https://www.nir.hpb.gov.sg/fcine/#/login-register/register
FAQs about Vr at
  • https://www.nir.hpb.gov.sg/fcine/#/navpage/faq


Working in Singapore for Long Term Visit Pass holders

If you are holding a Long Term Visit Pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower, you will need to get a work pass to work in Singapore.

You first need to get a job offer in Singapore, then get your prospective employer to apply for an Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit for you. You will have to meet all the criteria for the pass that your employer is applying for.


You are not allowed to work in objectionable occupations such as a dance hostess or a masseur.


Dependants of Employment Pass and S Pass holders

Processing time: within 3 weeks. Some cases will take more time.

What are the steps for applying?


Who does this


Submit an application

Employer or EA

In-principle approval (IPA) letter or rejection letter

Bring the foreigner into Singapore

Employer or main pass holder

Foreigner must comply with the travel requirements based on their vaccination status.

Get the pass issued

Employer or EA

Notification letter

Register fingerprints and photo (if required)

The foreigner

Acknowledgement of card delivery

Receive the card

Authorised recipients or the foreigner

Long Term Visit Pass card


  • You can submit the application along with the main pass holder’s work pass application or at a later date. Submit a separate application for each family member.
  • If the foreigner is in Singapore with a visit pass that will expire before the Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is issued, MOM won’t be able to extend the visit pass.
  • You should only bring in the foreigner when the pass is approved. They don’t need to be in Singapore when you apply and MOM won’t be able to extend their visit pass.

How to submit an application?

  • Log in to myMOM Portal to fill out the application and upload the required documents.
  • Pay the $105 fee for each application. You can pay by GIRO, VISA, MasterCard or eNets Debit.
  • Check your application status after 3 weeks. It may take longer if additional information is required.

If you receive an email from MOM requesting for more documents, you can submit them using online form at:

  • https://form.gov.sg/#!/5f8d4eadef8dab00112fd313

If the pass is approved, log in to EP Online and print the in-principle approval (IPA) letter.

Send the pass holder’s copy of the IPA to the foreigner. It has a pre-approved single-entry visa for the foreigner to enter Singapore.

Dependants of Employment Pass (Sponsorship), PEP or EntrePass holders

After you receive the IPA, you have the following period of time to bring the foreigner to Singapore before you can get the pass issued:

If the foreigner is a

IPA is valid for

Dependant of EP holder

6 months

Dependant of S Pass holder

2 months


Bring the foreigner into Singapore

Ensure the foreigner complies with the travel requirements based on their vaccination status.



Processing time: Immediate

The foreigner must be in Singapore when you carry out these steps to get the pass issued:

  1. Log in to myMOM Portal and provide the required information and documents.
  2. Pay the fees using GIRO, VISA or MasterCard:
    • $225 for each pass
    • $30 for each Multiple Journey Visa (If applicable)
  3. Once the pass is issued, the foreigner and you will both receive the notification letter by email.

The notification letter:

  • Allows the foreigner to travel in and out of Singapore while waiting for the pass card.
  • States if the foreigner needs to have their fingerprints and photo taken for the card registration.
  • Is valid for 1 month from the date of issue. If the foreigner needs more time to complete the card registration procedures, you can request to extend the validity of the notification letter.

For dependants of EP holders:

  • https://form.gov.sg/#!/5b6d4563ca1efb000f3b03a4

For dependants of S Pass holders:

  • https://form.gov.sg/#!/5b68f6c561cffc000f885453

What you’ll need

You will need the following information to get the pass issued:

  • Foreigner’s passport details
  • Foreigner’s Singapore contact details
  • Foreigner’s current Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) or immigration pass details
  • Foreigner’s Singapore residential address
  • Singapore residential or office address to receive the foreigner’s card
  • Details of up to 3 authorised recipients to receive the card (their mobile number, email address and NRIC number / FIN / passport number)

You may also need to upload PDF copies of these documents:

  • SG Arrival Card (email from ICA) if applicable
  • Foreigner’s passport page showing the date of arrival in Singapore or email of e-visa
  • Completed medical examination form or medical declaration form
  • Completed declaration form (attached to the foreigner’s IPA letter)

If you need more time to get the pass issued as the foreigners are waiting for their medical results, you can extend their STVP.

Submit this request within 1 week before the STVP expires and upload the doctor’s memo stating the medical results collection date:

  • https://form.gov.sg/#!/6273443b178da600139d54e5

Eg: If the STVP expires on 10 February, please only submit the request from 3 February.

Registration of finger prints and photo


  • For EP dependants: within 2 weeks
  • For S Pass dependants: within 1 week

Check the notification letter for whether the foreigner needs to register fingerprints and photo.

For registration, you must make an appointment for the foreigner to visit the relevant services centre:

Type of dependant

Where to register

Timeframe for registration

Dependants of Employment Pass holders

Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC)

Within 2 weeks after pass is issued

Dependants of S Pass holders

MOM Services Centre – Hall C

Within 1 week after pass is issued

The foreigner should bring along these documents for the appointment:

  • Original passport
  • Appointment letter
  • Notification letter

Receiving the card

When: 4 working days after registration or document verification

MOM will deliver the card to the given address 4 working days after the foreigner registers and gets documents verified.

If the foreigner does not need to register, MOM will deliver the card 4 working days after checking the documents.

The authorised recipients will get an SMS or email with the delivery details at least 1 working day before the delivery.

Download SGWorkPass to scan QR code on your new card to check status, expiry date and more.

If card delivery fails

After two unsuccessful deliveries, you will have to collect the card at the relevant MOM centre:

Type of dependant

Where to collect

Dependants of Employment Pass holders

Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC)

Dependants of S Pass holders

MOM Services Centre – Hall C

The foreigner or an authorised person can collect it 3 working days after the second attempted delivery. They don’t need an appointment.

Bring along these documents for card collection:

  • Candidate’s original passport
  • Notification letter

If you authorise someone to collect it on your behalf, make sure they bring these along:

  • An authorisation letter from the employer
  • NRIC or passport for verification


Click the below links to learn more about:

Renewal Of Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) In Singapore

The Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is renewable. Renewal of Long Term Visit Passes (LTVP) can be applied up to 6 months before they expire.

Cancellation Of Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) In Singapore

You must cancel a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) if the family member no longer needs the pass. You must cut the old work pass card in half upon successful cancellation.


FAQ On Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

Can I apply for my LTVP before the main pass (Employment or S Pass) application is approved?

Yes, you can.

However, MOM recommends waiting until after the main pass is approved. If the main pass application is rejected, your Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) will also be rejected, and your application fee will not be refunded.

I am holding an LTVP as a parent or parent-in-law of a work pass holder. Can I work in Singapore?

Yes, if you have a valid work pass, you can do so.

Learn more about working in Singapore as a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holder.

 Working in Singapore for Long Term Visit Pass holders

If you are holding a Long Term Visit Pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower, you will need to get a work pass to work in Singapore.

You first need to get a job offer in Singapore, then get your prospective employer to apply for an Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit for you. You will have to meet all the criteria for the pass that your employer is applying for.

Note: You are not allowed to work in objectionable occupations such as a dance hostess or a masseur.


ACHI BIZ is one of the licensed Employment Agencies in Singapore. We will assist your work pass related applications and appeals at our level best with the regulatory authority Ministry Of Manpower (MOM) for successful outcome.
Please refer to our GUIDES for more information, SERVICES to meet your requirements or CONTACT us if you wish to avail these or many other services.


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