
A thinking man with question markFAQ On S Pass In Singapore

Find answers to commonly asked questions pertaining to S Pass in Singapore.

Learn detailed FAQ on S Pass.

FAQ on S Pass

Are employers required to bear the pregnancy-related medical costs incurred by their S Pass holders?

From 1 April 2018, employers are no longer required to bear the pregnancy-related medical costs incurred by their S Pass holders. This is to achieve a better balance of the medical obligations between employers and S Pass holders.

However for S Pass holders covered under the Employment Act, employers must still:

  • Bear the medical consultation fees, which refers to the component of the medical bill that states “consultation” or “consultation fee”.
  • Provide maternity benefits.

Are levy payments required for dependants of S Pass holders?

  • No, dependants of S Pass holders do not have to pay levy.
  • However, the usual levy will apply if the dependant is granted a Work Permit or an S Pass to work in Singapore.

Are S Pass holders covered under WICA?

Yes. The Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) covers all eligible employees, including S Pass holders.

Can a local sponsor sign the S Pass application form on behalf of the candidate?

No, the candidate should personally sign the S Pass application form.

Can an Employment Pass holder switch to an S Pass?

Employment Pass (EP) holders can consider a switch if they no longer meet the prevailing EP criteria. However, employers must ensure that:

  • They meet the quota requirements.
  • The employee is eligible for an S Pass.
  • There is no need to cancel the EP before applying for an S Pass. When the application is approved, cancel the EP before getting the S Pass issued.
  • For those with dependants, they need to apply for new Dependant’s Passes under the S Pass.

Can an S Pass holder apply to be a Singapore permanent resident (PR)?

Yes. If you hold an S Pass and wish to become a Singapore permanent resident, you can apply through the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). The application will be assessed based on ICA’s PR criteria.

Can an S Pass holder work for more than one employer at the same time?

No, an S Pass holder can only work for one employer at a time.

Can I apply for an S Pass while I am on a visit pass?

  • Yes, you can apply for an S Pass while you are on a visit pass in Singapore.
  • However, your visit pass will not be extended while you await the outcome of your application. You will have to return to your home country when it expires.
  • MOM will inform your employer of the outcome accordingly.

Can I start my own business if I am on S Pass?

  • No, an S Pass holder cannot be a director or sole-proprietor of a business.
  • If you are an S Pass holder who wants to set up a business in Singapore, you should terminate your current employment and apply for an EntrePass.

Do I have to make CPF contributions for S Pass holders?

No, employers of S Pass holders will not have to make Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for them.

Do S Pass holders need to seek approval to marry a Singaporean or Permanent Resident?

No, S Pass holders do not need to seek approval from MOM to marry a Singaporean (Singapore Citizen) or Permanent Resident.

How do I convert a Work Permit to an S Pass?

  • If you hold a Work Permit and wish to apply for an S Pass, first ensure that you are eligible for the S Pass by using the S Pass self-assessment tool.
  • If you meet the requirements, your employer can then apply for an S Pass for you.
  • Note: Your employer should apply for the S Pass early.
  • You can remain in Singapore while the application is being made, as long as your Work Permit is valid. Your employer doesn’t have to cancel the Work Permit before the S Pass is approved.
  • If your Work Permit is expiring before you get the S Pass application outcome, your employer can request to extend your Work Permit. The extension is subject to MOM’s approval.

How do I upgrade my S Pass holder to an Employment Pass?

  • You will have to submit a new Employment Pass application for your S Pass holder. There is no need to cancel the S Pass while doing so.
  • You also don’t need to advertise on the MyCareersFuture job portal.

Note: Use the Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) to check if the S Pass holder qualifies for the pass.

How is the S Pass quota calculated if the company has more than one CPF account?

The company’s S Pass quota will be based on the Central Provident Fund (CPF) account declared on the S Pass application form.

The following local employees are not counted when calculating your quota:

  • Business owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships.
  • Employees who receive CPF contributions from three or more employers.
  • Note: You should not contribute CPF for the same employee under the different accounts to get more quota.

If my company has excess quota for Work Permits, can we be allowed more S Passes instead?

The quota for S Pass applies across the board to all companies in a sector, with no exceptions. Companies are not allowed to use their excess Work Permit quota for S Passes.

The S Pass quota is set at a particular level to ensure that local jobseekers will have a more level playing field and better job opportunities. The Work Permit quota and S Pass quota are therefore not interchangeable.

Instead of hiring more S Pass holders, you are encouraged to consider hiring qualified local candidates to strengthen the Singaporean core in your company.

Is a security bond required for S Pass holders?

No, employers of S Pass holders do not have to post a security bond.

Must I still pay the administrative fee if I am applying to change from a Work Permit to S Pass or vice versa?

Yes, you will have to pay an administrative fee for each new application.

What if an S Pass holder wants to change employers?

  • S Pass holders will need to get their prospective employer to apply for a new S Pass.
  • There is no need to cancel the existing pass before doing so.
  • Each application will be considered based on the merits of the case.

What occupations not eligible for an S Pass?

The list of objectionable occupations includes masseurs, bar and lounge hostesses. Food stall owners with an Singapore Food Agency (SFA) licence are also not eligible to apply for an S Pass.


Please refer to MOM website at www.mom.gov.sg or www.cpf.gov.sg for more detailed information and up-to-date guidelines with regulations.

ACHI BIZ is one of the licensed Employment Agencies in Singapore. We will assist your work pass related applications and appeals at our level best with the regulatory authority Ministry Of Manpower (MOM) for successful outcome.
PleaseΒ refer to our GUIDES for more information, SERVICES to meet your requirements or CONTACTΒ us if you wish to avail these or many other services.
