
Recruitment Agency Guide

A woman with bag is jumping the rocks to depict the switching of jobRecruitment Agency

At ACHI, we provide a trustworthy & honesty Employment and Recruitment Agency services.

We do the job matching services in Singapore for Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents andΒ all types of applicable work pass holders.


Exclusive job portalΒ  is going to be launched soon to serve both the Employers and Employees.
Employees, get ready to switch your career through ACHI BIZ to the ever best Employer.

Employers could find the best of best Employees through ACHI BIZ.

Both the Employers and the job seekers are requested to contact us by email until the exclusive portal is launched.

Please refer to Employment Agency services for more detailed information about Work Passes for foreigners.


Fair Employment Practices in Singapore

ACHI BIZ SERVICES PTE. LTD. is proud to have taken the “Pledge of Fair Employment Practices”.

Signing the Employers’ Pledge means that we agree with the principles of fair employment and that we will work towards adopting these principles in the management of our human resources.

What is tripartism?

Tripartism in Singapore refers to the collaboration among unions, employers and the Government. TheΒ tripartiteΒ partners are the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM ), the National Trades Union Congress ( NTUC ) and Singapore National Employers Federation ( SNEF ).

Tripartism in Singapore

Tripartism refers to the collaboration among unions, employers and the government. It is a key competitive advantage for Singapore. Tripartism has helped boost Singapore’s economic competitiveness, promoted harmonious labour-management relations and contributed to Singapore’s overall progress.

The key tripartite issues include:
  • Job re-creation
  • Raising the effective retirement age
  • Training and upgrading the workforce
  • Fair and progressive employment practices
  • A flexible wage system

The tripartite partners

The tripartite partners are:

Ministry of Manpower

MOM is responsible for formulating and implementing labour policies related to the workforce in Singapore. It aims to develop a globally competitive workforce and a great workplace, for a cohesive society and a secure economic future for all Singaporeans.

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)Β 

NTUC is national confederation of trade unions in the industrial, service and public sectors in Singapore. NTUC’s objectives are to help Singapore stay competitive and workers remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of workers; and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement.
NTUC’s vision is to be an inclusive labour movement for all collars, all ages and all nationalities.
NTUC is at the heart of the Labour Movement, which comprises 60 affiliated unions, one affiliated taxi association, 12 social enterprises, five related organisations and over 780,000 3-Gen members.

The Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF)Β 

SNEF was established in 1980. SNEF is a trade union of employers dedicated to preserving industrial harmony and helping employers achieve excellence in employment practices, thereby enhancing productivity, competitiveness as well as the quality of their employees’ work life. With the support of over 3,000 corporate members, SNEF is an active player in facilitating the tripartite partnership among the Government, employers and unions.

Fair Employment Practices in Singapore

The 5 key principles of Fair Employment Practices are:

  • Recruit and select employees on the basis of merit (such as skills, experience or ability to perform the job), regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities, or disability.
  • Treat employees fairly and with respect and implement progressive human resource management systems.
  • Provide employees with equal opportunity to be considered for training and development based on their strengths and needs to help them achieve their full potential.
  • Reward employees fairly based on their ability, performance, contribution and experience.
  • Comply with the labour laws andΒ abide byΒ the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices.
Click here to learn more about theΒ Leading Fair Employment Practices HandbookΒ which outlines best practices from leading organisations in Singapore. Useful and practical tips on how to effectively introduce fair employment practices are also provided.
Click here to learn more about theΒ Guide on Employment Laws in Singapore


Tripartitie Standards master logoTripartite Standards

The Tripartite Standards is an initiative that identifies and recognises employers who have implemented
progressive employment practices. It specifies verifiable and actionable practices in key areas of employment
that organisations are committed to and implement at workplaces.
The Tripartite Standards complement laws, Tripartite Guidelines and Advisories to raise employment standards
and build better workplaces.

We (ACHI BIZ SERVICES PTE. LTD.) are a proud adopter of the Tripartite Standards.

An initiative that distinguishes Singapore’s progressive employers.

Adapted Standards

Details of adapted Tripartite Standards

Tripartite Standards
  • We have adopted the Tripartite Standards, and have committed to be a fair and progressive employer.
Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA)
  • We help employees better manage work and personal needs by offering Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA).
Recruitment Practices
  • We assess all job applicants fairly through merit-based and inclusive hiring practices.
Contracting with Self-Employed Persons
  • We build strong relationships with freelances and contractors (Self-Employed Persons) by providing clear written contracts.
Work-Life Harmony
  • We offer work-life programmes to help employees achieve both their professional and personal goals.


  • Please contact us to find out more about our fair and progressive employment practices or visit TAFEP at: www.tafep.sg to learn more about the Tripartite Standards.
  • Last update: 16-Sep-2021


Detailed guidelines by Tripartite Alliance

You can refer to the below links for more detailed guidelines set by Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) for Fair Employment Practices in Singapore:

Appraisal, Promotion, Posting & Training
Business Benefits
Disciplinary Actions, Dismissals & Retrenchment
Fair Hiring Practices
Grievance Handling
Job Advertisements
Job Application Forms
Jobs Bank advertising Requirement
Non-Discriminatory Interview Questions
Shortlisting & Interviews

Source For Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices is from MOM & TAFEP.

Aptitude & Psychometric Tests For Job Applicants

Definition:- What are aptitude tests?

Aptitude tests verify candidates ability to acquire fresh knowledge and their general reasoning prowess. These tests were designed to quantify candidates mental processes like working memory, attention span, logical reasoning, and comprehension. Usually, there is no previous knowledge required for passing these tests, except while sitting numerical reasoning and mechanical reasoning where candidates are expected to demonstrate a standard understanding of mathematics and physics.

Definition:- Psychometric Test

Psychometric tests can be used as part of the Recruitment AgencyΒ and selection process by employers to assess your ability in specific skills (eg, verbal, numerical and diagrammatical reasoning) or to find out about your personal qualities by using personality questionnaires.

Generally what are the different types of aptitude tests?

There are a number of different tests out there in the job markets, but the most common ones are:

Job knowledge tests:

Job knowledge tests, sometimes referred to as achievement or masteryΒ tests, typically consist of questions designed to assess technical or professional expertise in specificΒ knowledgeΒ areas.Β Job knowledge testsΒ evaluate what a person knows at the time of taking theΒ test.

Numerical reasoning tests:

Numerical reasoning tests demonstrate your ability to deal with numbers quickly and accurately. These tests contain questions that assess your knowledge of ratios, percentages, number sequences, data interpretation, financial analysis and currency conversion.

Verbal reasoning tests:

Verbal reasoningΒ is the ability to understand and logically work through concepts and problems expressed in words. … SomeΒ testsΒ will have longer passages of text to read through and multiple questions per passage. Others may have very short passages, but only one or two questions on each.

Diagrammatic reasoning tests:

Diagrammatic ReasoningΒ psychometric tests are commonly used to assess candidates, along with abstractΒ reasoningΒ tests. As the name suggests, such tests involve objects (diagrams) such as a series of pictorialΒ questionsΒ with little or no words or numbers.

Situational judgement tests:

Situational judgement testsΒ (SJTs) or Inventories (SJIs) are a type of psychologicalΒ testΒ which present theΒ test-taker with realistic, hypothetical scenarios and ask the individual to identify the most appropriate response or to rank the responses in the order they feel is most effective.

E-tray exercises:

AnΒ etray exerciseΒ is a simulated computer basedΒ exerciseΒ used as part of an assessment centre. TheΒ exerciseΒ requires you to read and respond to a series of messages presented in an email inbox. TheΒ exerciseΒ is based around a fictional work/business scenario where you have been given a particular job role.

Personality tests:

AΒ personality testΒ is an assessment used by employers to help find a candidate whose character traits are best suited for a specific position. The pre-employment testingΒ is designed to reveal particular aspects of a candidate’sΒ personalityΒ and estimate the likelihood that he or she will excel in such a position.

Strength-based assessment:

Strength-based assessment looks at the combination of what people are good at and what they enjoy doing. It focuses on the specific areas which motivate, naturally enthuse and excite candidates.

Error Checking Tests:

Error checking tests assess a candidate’s ability to identify errors in data sets and assess the correctness of information. They are also known as Data checking tests. Candidates are required to complete error checking tests under timed test conditions.

Why do employers use aptitude tests?

Employers want to assess your cognitive and social powers which allow companies and organisations to streamline the recruitment process by finding the right candidates sooner.
Based on the answers to these tests employers can effectively build a personal profile and see if it matches with the company’s culture and the role in particular. The profiles are further used in providing an overview of how the person might perform and behave in the workplace.

How to pass psychometric tests?

Practice, practice, practice. The more you do them, the more you’ll become familiar with the different types of tests and the more you’ll refine your skills.
If you’re unsure of certain questions or feel you have consistent weaknesses, look at the explanations and see we work out the answer. Often breaking down complicated questions into little steps can make it seem so much easier.

However, ensuring that psychometric tool or other types of tests used are relevant to the job. The usage of any assessment tools should be clearly explained to the job applicants during the interview by the employers as required by the guidelines by Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP).

Source of Information, Guidelines, Compliance, Laws, Rules & Regulations is from the relevant authorities of Singapore
Details of Source Name of Authorities
  • Corporate matters such as Companies, Businesses, etc
  • The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
  • CPF matters
  • CPF Board
  • Fair Employment Practices (FEP)
  • Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP)
  • Immigration matters & Student Passes
  • Immigration Checkpoints Authority (ICA)
  • Taxation and GST
  • The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
  • Skills Development Levy (SDL)
  • SkillsFuture Singapore Agency
  • Work Passes
  • The Ministry Of Manpower (MOM)


ACHI BIZ is one of the licensed Employment Agencies in Singapore. We will assist your work pass related applications and appeals at our level best with the regulatory authority Ministry Of Manpower (MOM) for successful outcome.
PleaseΒ refer to ourΒ GUIDESΒ for more information,Β SERVICESΒ to meet your requirements orΒ CONTACTΒ us if you wish to avail these or many other services.
