To be eligible to apply Tech.Pass, applicants must meet at least two of the following requirements: Have a last drawn...
What is called Tech.Pass?
The Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore Government has announced to launch a new pass for foreign tech industr...
Processing time for work pass?
What is the duration of process for all work passes by MOM? Process duration for work permit, EP, S Pass, LTVP? ...
How to extend the visa while work pass is still being processed?
How can I request for a Short Term Visit Pass (STVP) to allow the employee to stay in Singapore? You can request for ...
How many month CPF is required for local workforce quota?
How many monthsβ CPF to be eligible for local quota? What is the average period of CPF for foreign worker quota? How the...
When the Local Workforce Quota is updated by MOM?
When Quota is updated by MOM? When MOM is updating the local workforce quota? When the local worker quota gets updated? ...