Click the below link to learn more about most popular work passes in Singapore (excluding EntrePass due to specific requ...
All types of work pass in Singapore.
Click the below link to learn more about most popular work passes in Singapore. Employment Pass (EP) Personalised Em...
Comparison of work pass and work permit in Singapore?
What are the types of employment pass in Singapore? What is S Pass and E pass in Singapore? What is E pass visa in Singa...
What is DRC (Dependency ratio ceiling)?
A dependency ratio ceiling, or quota, is the maximum ratio of foreign workers to the total workforce that a company in a...
Is a work pass holder allowed to work in multiple jobs?
Can foreigners freelance in Singapore? How can a foreigner freelance in Singapore without being a PR? No. AllΒ work pass ...
Can Work Pass holders work for more than one employer at the same time?
AllΒ work pass holdersΒ must onlyΒ workΒ for their designatedΒ employer. They must not take onΒ additionalΒ jobs or engage in a...