The share portfolioΒ canΒ beΒ transferredΒ to the beneficiary and does not have to be sold in the event ofΒ death. If there i...
What happens when a majority shareholder dies in a company?
In a company, when aΒ shareholder diesΒ the right to his interest in the shares will be passed to whoever inherits them un...
When the shareholder dies what would happen to the company?
AΒ limited companyΒ by shares will continue after theΒ deathΒ of a shareholder. The shares in the business will be passed to...
Cessation of Sole Proprietorship?
A sole-proprietorship business will cease when the proprietor either dies or otherwise ceases to carry on business. The ...
Dissolution of Limited Partnership (LP).
The dissolution of LPs is similar to that for Partnerships: A partnership will automatically be dissolved should any par...
Dissolution of Partnership.
A partnership will automatically be dissolved should any partner die or leave the firm. The partnership agreement may al...