Yes. You can remove your Partner however your existing Partnership will be regarded as Sole Proprietorship after removal...
Can I appoint a Manager to my Sole Proprietorship?
Yes. You can appoint the Manger to your Sole Proprietorship.
Can I add new person to Sole Proprietorship?
Yes. By adding another owner to your existing Sole Proprietorship it will be regarded as Partnership (status) automatica...
Business to register for a Sole Proprietorship?
Any small scale form of business can be registered for a Sole Proprietorship where the risks are at low level since the ...
If sole proprietorship is not renewed?
The Registrar can cancel registration if the sole proprietorship is not renewed or where Registrar is satisfied that the...
Can sole proprietorship be transferred?
Can sole proprietorship be transferred to another person? Can sole proprietorship be transferred to some else? Can I tra...