Preparing your XBRL Financial Statements in Singapore; XBRL Tagging Services in Singapore; Singapore XBRL filing system;...
Current rate of GST? GST current rate?
The Goods and Service Tax or GST is comparable to the VAT or Value Added Tax found in many other countries. It is a cons...
Charging GST? Unapproved collection of GST.
You are not allowed to charge GST for your supply of goods or services unless you are a duly registered GST trader. You ...
Can I commence business after registration or incorporation?
No. It is subject to certain business activities in Singapore which are required to be regulated under the Government La...
Can I start operation after business registration or incorporation?
No. It is subject to certain business activities in Singapore which are required to be regulated under the Government La...
What is GST? What is Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
The Goods and Service Tax or GST is comparable to the VAT or Value Added Tax found in many other countries. It is a cons...