
What is ECF (Eurasian Community Fund)?


What is ECF?

What is Eurasian Community Fund?

ECF is a non-profit self-help group for the Eurasian community approved by the Government of Singapore.

ECF donation enables the Association to continue the good work in meeting the needs of Eurasian community, specifically, low-income families, youth at risk, struggling single parents and the lonely and poor elderly.

Contribution of ECF helps to feed families, finance children’s education and run programmes, workshops and courses to reach out to more people in need.

What are Self-Help Group (SHG) Funds in Singapore?

The Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are set up to uplift the less privileged and low income households in the Chinese, Eurasian, Muslim and Indian communities respectively.

Contributions to Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and SHARE Donations (Community Funds):

CPF Board is the collecting agent for contributions to self-help group (SHGs) funds and SHARE donations. These contributions and donations are deducted from your employee’s wages together with the employee’s share of CPF contribution.

Eurasian Community Fund (ECF), administered by the Eurasian Association (EA)

ForΒ the Eurasian Community Fund (ECF),Β employees refer to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, belonging to the Eurasian* community.

* Refers to a person defined as β€œEurasian” in their identity card, or a person of both European and Asian ancestry

The contribution rates for ECF are as follows:

Monthly Total Wages* Monthly Contribution
<= $1,000 $2.00
> $1,000 to $1,500 $4.00
> $1,500 to $2,500 $6.00
> $2,500 to $4,000 $9.00
> $4,000 to $7,000 $12.00
> $7,000 to $10,000 $16.00
> $10,000 $20.00

* Total wages refer to all remuneration in money due or granted to an employee in respect of his employment, including overtime pay, allowances (e.g. food, shift or transport allowances), commission and bonus.

Click here to learn IN DETAILS about the Contributions to Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and SHARE Donations (Community Funds).