
What is Termination Of Employment In Singapore

What is Termination of Employment In Singapore

When either you or your employer wants to end the employment relationship, you do so by terminating the contract of service. Termination can be with or without notice, or caused by employee misconduct.

Who can terminate a contract

Either the employer or employee can terminate aΒ contract of service. Termination may happen because:

  • You resign
  • Your employer dismisses you
  • The contract terms have expired, such as when a project or contract period is completed

Both parties must follow the terms and conditions for termination as stated in the contract of service.

If your resignation is rejected

Your employer cannot reject your resignation. You have the right to resign at any time, by serving the required notice or by paying compensation to your employer in lieu of notice.
Note:Β It is an offence for employers to disallow employees to leave their job.

What to do during termination

Here is an overview of what you should do as an employee during termination:

Source of Information for Employment, all Work Passes & their related matters is from the Ministry Of Manpower & TAFEP.
You may wish to visitΒ Ministry Of Manpower (MOM)Β onlineΒ for detailed information and current updates.

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