
Can EP holder (Employment Pass) be a Director of Singapore registered company?


EP (Employment Pass) holders are generally required only to work for their employer as specified on their work pass and as per the work pass conditions. As such, when EP holders take up directorship appointments (be it executive or non-executive) in another company, they must discharge directorship duties under the Companies Act.

However, can EP holders be registered as directors in another company apart from the company the EP is approved for?

  • Yes, but only if the EP holder hasΒ obtained a Letter of Consent (LOC)from MOM.
  • MOM recognises thatΒ secondary directorship positions in related companies, e.g. subsidiary, may be critical to the EP holder’s job role. As such, MOM would generally allow EP holders to take up such secondary roles by granting an additional β€œLetter of Consent”.
  • If the secondary directorship position is in anΒ unrelated company, e.g. fund entities, MOM may still grant the LOC if it is relevant to the EP holder’s primary occupation.