
What are the criteria to apply Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass) issued by MOM?


Is there any eligibility criterion to apply for Singapore Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass) issued by MOM?

Overseas Networks & Expertise (ONE) Pass can be applied either by meeting out with the fixed monthly salary criteria or with outstanding achievements across the arts and culture, sports, science and technology, and research and academia.

Applicants willΒ need to earn a fixed monthly salary of SGD30,000 and above, comparable to the top 5% of Employment Pass (EP) holders.

Overseas candidatesΒ also need to demonstrateΒ that they have worked or will be working for an established company with:

  • Market capitalisation of at least USD500 million; Or
  • Annual Revenue of at least USD200 million

There is salary criteria exemption available for ONE Pass.

  • IndividualsΒ with outstanding achievementsacross theΒ arts and culture, sports, science and technology, and research and academia, can also qualify for ONE Pass even if they may not meet the salary criterion.